As part of our activities during October 2022’s Breast cancer Awareness, Four Square Gospel Church invited Monitor Healthcare Ltd to conduct breast screening for their church members during their free medical outreach in partnership with Buku Initiative and Pink Lady as a way to impact in the lives of their members. The program started at 9:00am and ended by 1:00pm

The program started with normal church service after which the CEO, Dr. Femi Ogunremi addressed the congregation, he stated the importance of screening and also encouraged women on the importance of self-breast examination and why early detection is important in saving lives.
He also stated that women need to be self-aware of their breasts by taking regular self-checks and report to the doctor when the notice any lump or anything strange in their breast.

Forms were shared for women to fill so we could collate their data and ensure orderliness throughout the screening. Women were called in turns with their numbers for the screening; there were a total number of 46 women that got screened. We had volunteers that helped us to screen to make it faster due to the number of people, the screening was done with a Breast-I portable device which is not painful. The Breast-I is a non-diagnostic screening device used to screen for cancerous lumps in the breast via trans illumination.